Red River Valley Potatoes: A Legacy of Flavor
Nestled on the fertile plains of North Dakota and Minnesota, the Red River Valley follows the mighty Red River from South Dakota to Canada. Once the bed of the vast Lake Agassiz, the valley's rich soil—a blend of silt, clay, sand, and rock—creates ideal conditions for growing exceptional potatoes.
Our nutrient-rich, black loam soil sets Red River Valley potatoes apart, delivering unmatched flavor in every bite. The continental climate, with long daylight hours and consistent rainfall, allows our potatoes to thrive naturally, relying on rain instead of irrigation.
Potato farming in the valley began in the 19th century, serving as a vital food source for fur traders. By the early 20th century, commercial cultivation took root near Hoople, North Dakota, and expanded rapidly during WWII, earning a reputation for high-quality seed production and the renowned “Red River Valley Reds.”

Today, the Northland Potato Growers Association continues this proud tradition, with growers offering red, yellow, white, and russet potatoes that embody the unique taste and quality of the Red River Valley.
Experience the difference that rich soil, natural climate, and dedicated farming bring to every potato.
Contact Us
Northland Potato
Growers Association
420 Business Hwy 2
East Grand Forks, MN 56721