The potato is a remarkable vegetable with an incredible history. Check out these fun facts about one of the world’s most invaluable foods.
Did You Know?
The Red River Valley is the largest producer of red potatoes for the fresh market in the United States producing over 400 million pounds a year. The Valley ranks 5th in yellow potato production too!
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The Irish are known for their love of potatoes. At one time, Ireland was so dependent upon potatoes that when the potato crops were destroyed by blight in 1845 and 1846, over one million people died and another million left Ireland (many to the U.S.) to find food.
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The potato is known to produce more food per unit area of land planted than any other major-planted crop. Non-irrigated land in the Red River Valley can produce over 30,000 pounds of potatoes per acre! Irrigated land can more than double that!
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A medium (5.2 oz.) potato has more potassium than a banana!
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North Dakota sends seed potatoes to many other states and countries for them to grow their own potatoes. Of all the states, North Dakota has the second most acres planted for seed potatoes in the nation!
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Two of the most popular potato varieties for the U.S. fresh market were bred at North Dakota State University by Dr. Bob Johansen. The two varieties are the Red Norland and the Norkotah Russet.
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In 2016 North Dakota produced over 2.8 billion pounds of potatoes while Minnesota grew 1.6 billion pounds! Potatoes grown in our two states are not only for the fresh market but also frozen processing, chipping and certified seed.
Did You Know?
Gold Rush miners in the 1800’s prized the potato because it prevented scurvy. Miners traded gold for the precious potato ounce for ounce, and for good reason. One medium potato contains 30% of the adult recommended amount of Vitamin C, the vitamin the body needs to prevent scurvy.
Did You Know?
Potatoes are the world’s 4th food staple after wheat, corn and rice.
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Potatoes are America’s favorite vegetable. From french fries to potato salad and everything in between, we each consume about 111 pounds of potatoes per year!
Did You Know?
The potato originated in the Andes of Bolivia and Peru. It was there, in 1537, that the Spanish conquistadors discovered the potato. From there it traveled to Europe, then to the North America. Peru’s Inca Indians first cultivated the potato in about 200 B.C.
Did You Know?
Why is the Red River Valley of the North so flat and so fertile? It was once the bottom of a giant lake that formed behind the icy dam of the glacier melted about 10,000 years ago. Lake Agassiz was the largest glacial lake in North America. Just as the glacier retreated to the north, so flows the Red River today!